
Sequel to David Bruckner’s Hellraiser Confirmed In the Works by Producer

Love it or hate it, David Bruckner’s Hellraiser breathed new life into the long-struggling franchise in 2022 starring Jamie Clayton as a gender-fluid Hell Priest. Finally, we have confirmation that a sequel is in the works.

In a recent interview with, producer Keith Levine gives us a little more hope for a return to the world of Cenobites.

“We are trying to do a follow-up and there have been conversations,” Levine says. “I can’t exactly say where we’re at in those conversations, but Bruckner is involved in those conversations and we spent a lot of time and energy, I think relaunching that world. A lot of brainpower going into crafting the Cenobite design, figuring out how we’re going to pull them off, and we learned so much. And I think moving forward, we love that all that knowledge is sort of banked and that time has been spent. So we think that moving forward and going into another movie is just going to be even crazier and even more awesome. So yeah, that’s something we’re definitely hard at work on, and hope we will have more news soon.”

It’s not much, but it’s a start that we can all be excited about.