About Us
Death Curse Society is your newest home for horror news, information, commentary and more!

Death Curse Society began as an off-handed comment among a group of new friends who had met playing Friday the 13th: The Game on PS4. When the gang all got together to play on a nightly basis, the topic of horror would always come up and the discussions would be riveting. Someone mentioned that “this would make a great podcast” but no one took the comment seriously… or did they?
A week later, Redcranke privately contacted The Colonel and Zig Zag, since they had the most to say about horror during their game sessions, and pitched an idea. That idea eventually became Death Curse Society and the legend continues to grow.
Since its official launch September 13, 2018, Death Curse Society has experienced many growing pains and been through multiple iterations, but it wasn’t until the launch of Monday Maniacs, their regular weekly, live, interactive podcast, that the guys found their stride. They found themselves challenged by trying to keep up with recent films and still honor the genre’s past with this weekly format; but they thrived with their audience interaction and quick wit. Many viewers of Monday Maniacs rarely miss a show and they keep coming back for more. Along with recent film reviews, Monday Maniacs features interviews with horror stars, artists, writers, directors, and more as well as the infamous top 5 lists, where the debates really heat up.
In February 2022, Death Curse Society debuted an online version of their interactive, horror trivia themed game show, Curse Your Luck. They invited four viewers to compete for prizes by answering trivia questions and avoiding the curses on the big, scary board. The game proved to be a hit, and fans were clamoring for more. That was when Death Curse Society decided to take the show on the road.
Obviously, Death Curse Society had visited many horror conventions since their inception, but now they had a fun, marketable event they could offer to convention organizers and – more importantly – attendees. A stage version of Curse Your Luck was conceived and debuted at the Morgue & Krypt Horror Fest in Albuquerque, NM, in July 2023. The event proved to be a challenge for the contestants on stage as well as an edge-of-your-seat experience for those in the audience and the DCS was instantly invited back for next year’s event. Not only that, but word spread quickly of the special stage show, and Death Curse Society was invited to two Monster-Mania events in the second half of 2023. This was followed by a few more shows at Days of the Dead in 2024.
Also, in 2024, Death Curse Society decided to add to the madness by inviting their friend and associate, C-Faze, to join in on the show. C-Faze has been an indispensable member of Death Curse Society for a while now, but we wanted to make his role a little more official by making him an Associate Producer of Monday Maniacs and Death Curse Society. At conventions, C-Faze proved his worth by providing vital assistance in times of need and he has become an intregal part of what goes on behind the scenes. After just a few shows, he found his stride and became just another beloved part of Monday Maniacs.
On March 8, 2025, the long-awaited documentary Hearts of Darkness: The Making of the Final Friday made its world debut at Frightfest in Glasgow, Scotland. The film tells the incredible story behind one of the most controversial entries in the Friday the 13th franchise – Jason Goes to Hell – written and directed by Adam Marcus. Death Curse Society served as Associate Producers on the film and that marked another item off the bucket list for Redcranke, Colonel, Zig Zag, and CFaze. You can now refer to us as film producers!
What’s in store for the future? Only time will tell and we can’t wait to share this journey with you along the way. Thanks to all of you for being a part of the Society!
About the Hosts
Redcranke (CEO and Co-Host): Redcranke first became infatuated with horror at 7-years-old when he witnessed the glory of a drive-in double-feature – Friday the 13th Parts 1 and 2. Redcranke has had a number of occupations over the years, starting in journalism and was the owner/publisher of a local entertainment magazine for 15 years. He even dabbled in screenwriting in the 1990s, having many scripts optioned or purchased, but never secured any official screenwriting credits. Redcranke currently lives in Oklahoma and runs a successful mobile karaoke business.
You can follow Redcranke’s active Letterboxd account here.

The Colonel (Vice-President and Co-Host): The Colonel was born in Salem, MA, the winter of 1648. Sike!
It all started Christmas of 1989. The Real Ghostbusters loving lil Colonel received a V/H/S with multiple movies – Charlotte’s Web, Masters of the Universe, and a small film called The Monster Squad. From that day forward, Colonel has been a sponge for all things horror. He learned the wolf man had nards but he needed to know more. To obtain this knowledge Colonel had to go many different routes. From watching all of the classics, including all of the Friday the 13th and Halloween movies at his babysitters house, to watching Monstervision on TNT hosted by the living legend Joe Bob Briggs, as well as renting any and all horror movies at the local Blockbuster and Movie Gallery.
This love of horror bled into a love of all forms of horror – literature (Bentley Little being his favorite author), video games, such as Splatterhouse, Castlevania, and Resident Evil, and music. The Colonel has experience in journalism, broadcasting, and healthcare. Not really healthcare but if you know you know. Who Dey, bitch!

Zig Zag (CFO and Co-Host): Scooby-Doo & Casper led the way down Zig Zag’s path of Horror! His dad would show him and his siblings condensed super-8 film versions of the Universal classics, and introduced them to the Saturday afternoon Creature Features on the UHF channels. Zig Zag would tag along with his older brother to see what are now called ‘the classics’ on the big screen. Halloween, Friday the 13th and even the occasional unrated film like Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. Only 99 cents each would get them 2 feature films. This is where he also discovered Fulci, first with Zombie, but a few years later City of the Living Dead, AKA The Gates of Hell. The Late Friday & Saturday Night Horror movie shows were added to the rotation and his passion would bleed onto his friends, as they saw every horror film released. When the VHS arrived, they relived them all again, while finding even more titles they had never heard of. Now in the age of streaming, once again, a new door has opened to an seemingly unlimited list of new horror titles. Horror is alive and well, and Death Curse Society is here to tell you about it! Zig Zag is a graduate of the Specs Howard School of Media Arts in Southfield, MI with a degree in Production & Announcing and worked in radio in Lansing, Kalamazoo, & Detroit. Now, he is using all his powers to help bring the most vivid & visceral horror show to Facebook & You Tube!

C-Faze (Associate Producer): Usually goes by “Faze” based on the weed strain “Haze”, and is a variation of his last name. He was born in 1997 which makes him considerably younger than the DCS trio. He always loved anything scary growing up, with his first exposure to horror being John R. Dilworth’s Courage the Cowardly Dog on Cartoon Network. He discovered his favorite movie Alien at 14 years old after learning that it had inspired his favorite Video Game series Metroid. He also loves The Thing, The Shining, and his favorite Slasher is Michael Myers. He went to college for Automotive Technology in 2015/16, but dropped out with only five classes left because he decided to pursue the arts instead. He dabbled in 2D Animation, Digital Music, and Video Game Programming, but he found Writing to be his favorite medium. He is currently writing two books when he isn’t editing videos or traveling the country with the DCS.